The beginning (again)

It's been two months every since I decided to update the blog, now any time something happens I can easily modify the files using the SFTP server my friend set up for me, for quick file editing access.

Not too much has happened while this thing was dead, summer was boring for me since I didn't do much and was pretty much locked in a room for almost the whole summer.

I travelled to Greece but didn't do a lot there either since there wasn't anything I could do.. Without my friend

My friend travelled to Ukraine while i was in Greece, which made me feel sort of lonely and bored.

I was hosting the website files on Github a while ago, I even hosted executables (For the downloads page since, I was making a website for old ass computers in mind), but I abandoned that since I realised that I was basically leaching off of Github to host my files.

My buddy ole tchum fzorb offered to give me a shitbox to host my website on, and I couldn't be more thankful for that.

Goodbye for now, see you in a couple of weeks!